Separate Forms: Participants must submit a separate registration form for each event in which they are involved.
Number of Entries: Participants may register for a maximum of 1 solo and 1 small ensemble per Division (Band, Piano, Strings, and Vocal)
Registration Options: Individuals should use the regular online registration. School groups chaperoned by a teacher should use the online School Teacher Registration.
Festival Information: Please read our “Participant Information” page prior to registering.
Festival Day: March 29, 2025
Once registration is closed, late requests will be processed as space is available,
and a $10 service fee will be applied. Email us to request late registration.
Performance times are limited
and will be awarded on a
first-come, first-served basis.
Your INITIAL Registration ($15) includes:
ONE solo or small ensemble performance time
ADMISSION to all workshops
ADDITIONAL solo or small ensemble performance times may be purchased for $5.00 each. A separate registration form must be submitted for each performance time purchased.
Small Ensembles
are limited to 8 members,
and each member must register and pay separately.
$15.00 – Solo Performance OR Ensemble Performance
$5.00 – Each Solo or Small Ensemble Performance Event beyond your initial event
$10.00 – For each performance event registration request received and granted after Registration Deadline
These will be considered only if there is room in the schedule and time for the addition to be made.
Fees for multiple participants
may be paid at one time
through any of the described options.
Pay online at the Bowen Young Musicians Festival Store
Make check out and send to:
Young Musicians, Inc.,
PO Box 394, Evanston, WY 82931
Financial aid is available – e-mail us with inquiries.