Health & Safety Policies

Health & Safety Policies:

The Arts Inc. values our festival, camp, & concert attendees.  After all, without your participation & attendance, we wouldn’t be able to provide the community with a variety of Arts-based entertainment & educational opportunities.  

We are confident that our events will be safe and enjoyable for all in attendance, and we thank you for your respect and cooperation in trying to keep our communities safe and healthy.


General Policies:

Many of these policies have been in place for years, but some are new thanks to the pandemic.

  • ADA Compliance:  When & where possible, ADA-compliant venues will be used for Arts Inc events, camps, concerts, etc.

  • Potential Harm:  When a venue or area has the potential to cause physical harm, we put in place solutions to mitigate the potential danger.  For example, removing snow & applying ice melt to an entranceway.

  • Hand sanitizer will be freely available at our events – entrances/exits, bathrooms, food court areas, etc.  Please sanitize freely.

  • Sanitation: Our Volunteer grounds crews and staff ensure that tables, bathrooms, & other surfaces are kept clean, trash cans are emptied, and floors swept.

COVID Specific Policies:

The following is our current COVID specific policies:

  • Masks are encouraged but not required.  Please be aware that some vendors may require masks to be worn inside their vendor spaces, please respect those requests.

  • Social Distancing:  We ask that you follow social distancing when possible –  standing in lines, engaging in activities, or browsing vendors.  Please be respectful of other individuals.

  • Illness:  If you are sick, please stay home.  We’d like to avoid becoming a super-spreader event.
enhancing individuals, families
& communities through the arts

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