Become a Host Family

What is a host family?

Each year, The Arts Inc., invites a lot of performing artists & professional faculty to Evanston.  And they all need a place to stay!

Unfortunately, lodging costs affect our bottom line.  The reality:  if we had to provide hotel lodging for everyone, we wouldn’t be able to provide the quality events & programs you’ve come to expect & love.

In order to keep these costs down, we need your help – become a HOST FAMILY!

Be a Host Family icon - illustration of a house
Dividers Calligraphy Flourish  - AnnaliseArt / Pixabay

What does a host family do?

Becoming a Host Family allows you and your family unique access to our guest artists & faculty.  You’ll have the opportunity to get to personally get to know them.  It’s an experience that most of our Host Families cherish and look forward to each year.

What we need in a host family:

Become a Host family

If you’re interested in becoming a host family, please fill out the following form.  We’ll get back to you with more details about the program.

enhancing individuals, families
& communities through the arts

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