Celtic Festival Vendors!
Event Name: Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival
Event Dates: March 24-25, 2023
Event Address: Historic Roundhouse & Railyards, 1400 W. Main St., Evanston, WY 82930
Deadline: December 2, 2022 General Merchandise: One Space (10’ X 10’) – $80General Merchandise: One Corner Space (10’ X 10’) – $110
Food Vendor: One Space (10’ X 10’) – $135
Late Fee: (After December 2, 2022) – Add $10.00 Thank you for your interest in participating in the Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival! We look forward to working with you.
The Celtic Festival committee will jury all applications and select the vendors for this year’s festival. Preference shall be given to vendors who feature Celtic-themed/related merchandise or services. The Celtic Festival committee reserves the right to return or deny any application which is incomplete or not paid in full at the time of submission. All decisions made by the committee regarding acceptance or non-acceptance of your application are final.
Notification of acceptance status shall be sent to all applicants. Anyone not selected to vend will have their booth fee refunded in full.
If you have additional questions regarding the application or selection process we will be happy to speak with you. Please contact us for assistance. Mailing Address: PO Box 394, Evanston, WY 82931
Contact: Rachelle at 801-529-6841 or ContactTheArtsInc@gmail.com
Payment Options:
Credit Card: Bills will be emailed to you for payment
Check/Money Order: Mail to the P.O. Box listed above
Event Name: Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival
Event Dates: March 24-25, 2023
Event Address: Historic Roundhouse & Railyards, 1400 W. Main St., Evanston, WY 82930
Deadline: December 2, 2022
General Merchandise: One Space (10’ X 10’) – $80
General Merchandise: One Corner Space (10’ X 10’) – $110
Food Vendor: One Space (10’ X 10’) – $135
Late Fee: (After December 2, 2022) – Add $10.00
Food Vendor: One Space (10’ X 10’) – $135
Late Fee: (After December 2, 2022) – Add $10.00
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival! We look forward to working with you.
The Celtic Festival committee will jury all applications and select the vendors for this year’s festival. Preference shall be given to vendors who feature Celtic-themed/related merchandise or services. The Celtic Festival committee reserves the right to return or deny any application which is incomplete or not paid in full at the time of submission. All decisions made by the committee regarding acceptance or non-acceptance of your application are final.
The Celtic Festival committee will jury all applications and select the vendors for this year’s festival. Preference shall be given to vendors who feature Celtic-themed/related merchandise or services. The Celtic Festival committee reserves the right to return or deny any application which is incomplete or not paid in full at the time of submission. All decisions made by the committee regarding acceptance or non-acceptance of your application are final.
Notification of acceptance status shall be sent to all applicants. Anyone not selected to vend will have their booth fee refunded in full.
If you have additional questions regarding the application or selection process we will be happy to speak with you. Please contact us for assistance.
Mailing Address: PO Box 394, Evanston, WY 82931
Contact: Rachelle at 801-529-6841 or ContactTheArtsInc@gmail.com
Payment Options:
Credit Card: Bills will be emailed to you for payment
Check/Money Order: Mail to the P.O. Box listed above
Contact: Rachelle at 801-529-6841 or ContactTheArtsInc@gmail.com
Payment Options:
Credit Card: Bills will be emailed to you for payment
Check/Money Order: Mail to the P.O. Box listed above