Think - The Arts Inc

On Giving Tuesday (Nov 30)

#GivingTuesday is a day to acknowledge the power of giving, volunteerism, and simple acts of kindness.

These past two years have proven to be years of unprecedented change worldwide. Change that
has deeply impacted our lives and those of the communities we serve. Our commitment to
promoting an artistically vibrant community will continue with events like Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival and programs like MAT Camp.

That’s why The Arts Inc is participating in #GivingTuesday November 30th.  #GivingTuesday is an
annual global day of giving and generosity of all kinds, big and small, and we invite you to join us.

Think The Arts Inc on Giving Tuesday

Share Your Generosity

Multiple Ways to Give

A Monetary Donation

Your thoughtful contribution will help support programs & events like:
— The Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival
— The Bowen Young Musicians Festival
— MAT Camp (Music, Arts, Theater)
— The Evanston Bluegrass Festival
— and other stand-alone events, performances, series, etc.
Feel free to donate ANY AMOUNT – It’s Your Choice! 

Shop Amazon Smile

Contribute to The Arts Inc while you shop for the holidays!  It’s super easy thanks to Amazon Smile:

1. Use the website & go to your account.
2. Select Account & Lists in the upper right-hand corner of the website.
3. Select “Amazon Smile”
4. Search for Young Musicians Inc (this is the former name of The Arts Inc.
5. Select Young Musicians Inc and register us to your Amazon account.
6. Start Shopping (through

Smith's Inspiring Donations

How cool is this?  You can donate to The Arts Inc, just by doing your grocery shopping at Smith’s!  Talk about inspired.

1. log in to your Smith’s account at
2. In the left-hand column, select “Inspired Donations” (towards the bottom)
3. Search for Young Musicians Inc (this is the former name of The Arts Inc.
5. Select Young Musicians Inc and approve us to your Smith’s account.
6. Start Shopping Smith’s (in-store & on-line)

Become A Volunteer

We can always use a hand or two (or three)!  So, Think – The Arts Inc for Become a Volunteer - 3 multiple colored clipart hands volunteer opportunities for your business, organization, family or as an individual.  Every event & program we host has plenty of ways to serve.

Our next event, Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival, is March 18 – 19, 2022.  We’ll need help with set-up, tear-down, and on-site during the festival.  If you’re interested, email  We’ll call you closer to March to line up specific days, times, & positions to be filled.